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High-speed SQL Server backup, compression and restore

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High-speed SQL Server backup, compression and restore

Today’s DBA is increasingly responsible for a variety of new tasks and responsibilities. Protecting your data with reliable and fast backup and restore has become a critical part of the everyday life of the DBA. This is in addition to navigating emerging technology and cloud options while ensuring the availability and performance of your SQL Server database.

With all of the added tasks on your plate, you need a high-speed, storage-efficient backup and restore solution for SQL Server that will help you to make sure that the correct data is restored and available as quickly as possible through a wide variety of recovery options.

What if you could

  • implement unprecedented capabilities in backup compression, speed, control and management
  • say goodbye to frustratingly slow backup and recovery jobs
  • integrate directly with Microsoft Azure Blob storage and Amazon S3 – as well as ISM TSM – for cloud-based backup and restore with on-premises and virtualized cloud SQL Servers
  • experience up to an 85 percent savings in backup size and duration compared to competing solutions? With LiteSpeed™ for SQL Server, you can!
With LiteSpeed™ for SQL Server, you can!
High-speed SQL Server backup, compression and restore