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Mitigate the risks of Microsoft Teams deployment

Mitigate the risks of Microsoft Teams deployment
  • 记录日期:Oct. 22, 2019
  • 活动:录播
Mitigate the risks of Microsoft Teams deployment

With over 13 million active users reported, Microsoft Teams deployment has officially made Teams the most popular collaboration platform in the industry today. Despite the significant rollout and impressive features, however, successfully deploying and enabling user adoption remains a complex challenge for many organizations. 

So, how can you seamlessly and safely enable Microsoft Teams without disrupting your business?


Watch this on-demand webcast and join engineer Chris Frewin from Quest, as you learn the strategies to mitigate content sprawl and security risks. You’ll also discover introductory topics, including everything you need to know around Teams channels, bots, and chats.


Chris Frewin, Principal Solutions Architect at Quest Software