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Quest Partner Update FY21

Quest Partner Update FY21
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Apr. 16, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Quest Partner Update FY21

Rapidly developing and unprecedented world events have challenged organizations to quickly adapt to a new reality. Recent events have forced governments to enact social distancing measures and business closures that have disrupted daily life and work.

Quest & One Identity understand the complex challenges of pivoting a large workforce to remote work while ensuring business continuity. We know because we did it ourselves – and we want provide technology solutions to more effectively support your customers during this time. Please join us for this exclusive partner webinar where we will cover:

  • Best practices and suggestions for helping your newly remote workforce be productive.
  • Industry trends during this pandemic and solutions to provide business continuity
  • Campaigns and collateral available for relevant outreach to customers
  • What’s new with our Partner Circle programs in FY21.


  • Todd Werner, VP Channels Quest
  • Mylène Legresley, Manager Global Channel Programs & Marketing
  • Leigh Ann Campbell, Microsoft Channel Director
  • Andrew Clarke, Head of Channel & Alliances One Identity