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Toad Intelligence Central

Prepare for today’s data and you’re ready for tomorrow’s challenges

Become data-driven with data preparation and data provisioning across data analyst teams

Today’s always-on economy is generating data at ever-increasing rates. You know it’s essential to be data-driven and use that data to react and innovate quickly so you can outpace your competition. What if you could simplify data preparation and data provisioning? What if you could more easily perform database analysis and share data insights with data analysts across teams? What if you could do all this and realize a time savings of up to 40%?

Used in conjunction with Toad® Data Point, Toad Intelligence Central is a cost-effective, server–based application that transfers power back to your business. Improve collaboration among Toad users through secure, governed access to SQL scripts, project artifacts, provisioned data and automation workflows. Easily abstract structured and unstructured data sources through advanced data connectivity to create refreshable datasets for use by any Toad user.

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